Markus Draeger

What links sport and business? In both worlds it’s about healthy and sustainable performance
improvement. So, what could be more obvious than learning from each other?

What links sport and business? Top performance is expected in both worlds. Both worlds are gaining in complexity and speed. In both worlds, continuous development, resilience, flexibility and interdisciplinary cooperation are becoming more than ever a decisive competitive advantage. In both worlds, it’s no longer about working harder, but about continuous learning, adapt best practices, to focus on what matters most and to deliver on our promises.

In a nutshell: It’s about healthy and sustainable performance improvement.

So, what could be more obvious than learning from each other?



Many successful executives, athletes and head coaches describe coaching as one of their elements of success. Coaching offers them a “safe space” to reflect and to gain a new perspective on existing challenges. It helps them identify and leverage their strengths, stay focused, and unlock their true potential. The overlap between the two worlds – sports and business – is significant. Which world do you play in?

Success is just the

tip of the iceberg

In a nutshell:

  • 20 years of experience in leading global teams
  • leading several groupwide transitions
  • vast experience in coaching management teams, senior executives and high potentials
  • executive Master in „Consulting & Coaching for Change“ (Oxford Universities/Said Business School)
  • accredited executive coach (Association for Coaching)
  • sportpsychological expert (asp curriculum)

For more details: LinkedIn
